

我叫Arts 史莱姆。

我只是另一个活在这个充满黑暗的世界上的另一个人~ 但是我的过去看上去非常光辉灿烂,但是我决定不要活在过去了~ 我是一名跨性别女性~ 目前生活在德国~


我平时有时间的时候会在B站或者Youtube上进行直播。 直播平台的链接在这里:





Arts Suraimu’s Gallery


我是一名高级产品架构师,负责DGX SuperPOD, BasePOD,还有区域性云服务提供商。我负责英伟达的架构参考还有其的应用。除此之外我还帮助云提供商架构英伟达产品。

在此之前,我是高级解决方案架构师,负责欧洲,中东以及非洲区域的DGX,数据中心还有云服务。 我还曾经负责此区域的DGX Cloud的解决方案架构,除此之外,我曾经设计并架构英伟达 NVIDIA Cambridge-1 previously.



NVIDIA DevBlog Author Page


我在慕尼黑工业大学 Technical University of Munich, 计算,信息以及技术学院是客座讲师。我经常讲关于计算机架构,GPU编程,并行计算以及其相关的项目。



I hold a PhD degree in Informatics from Technical University of Munich.


我会说4种语言,其中三种达到专业级别:中文普通话,德语以及英语。 除此之外我还会说一点日语。




  • Petru-Daniel Tudosiu, Walter Hugo Lopez Pinaya, Mark S. Graham, Pedro Borges, Virginia Fernandez, Dai Yang, Jeremy Appleyard, Guido Novati, Disha Mehra, Mike Vella, Parashkev Nachev, Sébastien Ourselin, M. Jorge Cardoso. Morphology-Preserving Autoregressive 3D Generative Modelling of the Brain. SASHIMI@MICCAI 2022: 66-78
  • Yi Ju, Amir Raoofy, Dai Yang, Erwin Laure, Martin Schulz. Exploiting Reduced Precision for GPU-based Time Series Mining In Proceedings of the 36th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS’ 22). 2022, Lyon, France.
  • Amir Raoofy, Roman Karlstetter, Dai Yang, Carsten Trinitis, and Martin Schulz. Time Series Mining at Petascale Performance. In Proceedings of the International Supercomputing Conference 2020 (ISC’20). 2020, Frankfurt, Germany. Winnner of 2020 Hans Meuer Award.
  • B Elis, D Yang, O Pearce, K Mohror, M Schulz. QMPI: A next generation MPI profiling interface for modern HPC platforms. In Parallel Computing, Volume 96, August 2020
  • Dai Yang. Fault Tolerant Optimizations for HPC Systems. PhD Thesis. TUM University Press. 2020, Munich, Germany. Link
  • Alvaro Frank, Dai Yang, Andre Brinkmann, Martin Schulz, and Tim Suess. Reducing False Node Failure Predictions in HPC. In IEEE 26th International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC) (pp. 323-332). 2019, Hyderabad, India.
  • David Jauk, Dai Yang, and Martin Schulz. Predicting faults in high performance computing systems: an in-depth survey of the state-of-the-practice. In Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC’19). 2019, Denver, CO, USA.
  • Bengisu Elis, Dai Yang, and Martin Schulz. QMPI: A Next Generation MPI Profiling Interface for Modern HPC Platforms. In Proceedings of the 26th European MPI Users’ Group Meeting (pp. 1-10). 2019, Zurich, Switzerland.
  • Dai Yang, Tilman Kuestner, Rami Al-Rihawi, and Martin Schulz. Exploring high bandwidth memory for PET Image Reconstruction. In Parallel Computing 2019 (ParCo’19). 2019, Prague, Czech Republic. Accepted for Publication
  • Dai Yang, Josef Weidendorfer, Carsten Trinitis, Tilman Kuestner, and Sibylle Ziegler. Enabling Application-Integrated Proactive Fault Tolerance. In Parallel Computing is Everwhere. IOS Press, 2018, pp. 475.

Workshop and Short Papers

  • Amir Raoofy, Dai Yang, Josef Weidendorfer, Carsten Trinitis, and Martin Schulz. Enabling Malleability for Livermore Unstructured Lagrangian Explicit Shock Hydrodynamics using LAIK. In Konferenzband des PARS’19 Workshops. 2019, Berlin, Germany.
  • Thomas Becker, Dai Yang, Tilman Kuestner, and Martin Schulz. Co-Scheduling in a Task-Based Programming Model. In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Co-Scheduling of HPC Applications (COSH 2018). 2018, Manchester, United Kingdom.
  • Josef Weidendorfer, Dai Yang, and Carsten Trinitis. LAIK: A library for fault tolerant distribution of global data for parallel applications. In Konferenzband des PARS’17 Workshops. 2017, Hagen, Germany.


我曾经想很多慈善机构捐款来帮助有需要的人。 我是德国跨性别和双性别联合会的成员。


如果你在慕尼黑工业大学上学,记得申请奖学金 Deutschlandstipendium Program. 这是一个国家性的奖学金项目,以资助学术还有社交的优秀者。有幸的话你可以得到我的资助。

我经常献血 - 目前已经超过7升。


请访问我的 Linktree

我很喜欢寄明信片: Postcrossing



史莱姆(スライム)是一种日本幻想魔法生物,由可渗透的薄膜构成,内部充满被称为”magicules”的魔法物质。 在一些小说的体系中(例如《关于我转生变成史莱姆那件事》),史莱姆的特性是独特的,并且似乎适应所有环境变化,具有在任何条件下生存的巨大可能性。


Who is Arts?

“Arts”是我和ArtsEpiphany的联合名字,Arts Epiphany是一个聪明的女孩,决定以牺牲自己的生命来换取让跨性别社群的情况更加引人注目的效果。


To remember Arts Epiphany, please visit One Among Us.