
Who are you?

I’m just another person on this world, living on the edge of everything and hope to create more hope in this world full of darkness. My life have been full of events and moments that I want to remember forever, but I decided to not live in the past.


In my free time, I like to enjoy streaming about my life at Bilibili and/or youtube/twitch.

Here are quick links:




I operate a gallery about my original character design - it’s here:

Arts Suraimu’s Gallery


I am a global product architect for DGX SuperPOD, BasePOD, and Regional Cloud Service Providers, at NVIDIA Corp. I am responsible technically for NVIDIA’s Reference Architecture (RA) and it’s applications globally. I’m also supporting CSP architecture design for NVIDIA products.

Previously, I was a senior solutions architect for DGX, datacenter, and cloud in EMEA. I used to lead technically the solution architecture for DGX Cloud in Europe, Middle East and Africa, at NVIDIA Corp. I am the responsible solution architect for NVIDIA Cambridge-1 previously.

Responsible Projects


NVIDIA DevBlog Author Page


I am also guest lecturer at Technical University of Munich, School of Computation, Information and Technology. I frequently teach about computer architecture, GPU programming, parallel programming and related topics at difference lecture and practical courses at TUM.

Stay tuned for upcoming lecture notes and time.


I hold a PhD degree in Informatics from Technical University of Munich.

I speak 4 languages, out of which 3 are professional: Chinese Mandarin, German, English. I also understand and speak a little bit of Japanese.

I don’t program much any more being an architect. I use to program in C/C++.


Conference Full Papers and Dissertation

  • Petru-Daniel Tudosiu, Walter Hugo Lopez Pinaya, Mark S. Graham, Pedro Borges, Virginia Fernandez, Dai Yang, Jeremy Appleyard, Guido Novati, Disha Mehra, Mike Vella, Parashkev Nachev, Sébastien Ourselin, M. Jorge Cardoso. Morphology-Preserving Autoregressive 3D Generative Modelling of the Brain. SASHIMI@MICCAI 2022: 66-78
  • Yi Ju, Amir Raoofy, Dai Yang, Erwin Laure, Martin Schulz. Exploiting Reduced Precision for GPU-based Time Series Mining In Proceedings of the 36th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS’ 22). 2022, Lyon, France.
  • Amir Raoofy, Roman Karlstetter, Dai Yang, Carsten Trinitis, and Martin Schulz. Time Series Mining at Petascale Performance. In Proceedings of the International Supercomputing Conference 2020 (ISC’20). 2020, Frankfurt, Germany. Winnner of 2020 Hans Meuer Award.
  • B Elis, D Yang, O Pearce, K Mohror, M Schulz. QMPI: A next generation MPI profiling interface for modern HPC platforms. In Parallel Computing, Volume 96, August 2020
  • Dai Yang. Fault Tolerant Optimizations for HPC Systems. PhD Thesis. TUM University Press. 2020, Munich, Germany. Link
  • Alvaro Frank, Dai Yang, Andre Brinkmann, Martin Schulz, and Tim Suess. Reducing False Node Failure Predictions in HPC. In IEEE 26th International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC) (pp. 323-332). 2019, Hyderabad, India.
  • David Jauk, Dai Yang, and Martin Schulz. Predicting faults in high performance computing systems: an in-depth survey of the state-of-the-practice. In Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC’19). 2019, Denver, CO, USA.
  • Bengisu Elis, Dai Yang, and Martin Schulz. QMPI: A Next Generation MPI Profiling Interface for Modern HPC Platforms. In Proceedings of the 26th European MPI Users’ Group Meeting (pp. 1-10). 2019, Zurich, Switzerland.
  • Dai Yang, Tilman Kuestner, Rami Al-Rihawi, and Martin Schulz. Exploring high bandwidth memory for PET Image Reconstruction. In Parallel Computing 2019 (ParCo’19). 2019, Prague, Czech Republic. Accepted for Publication
  • Dai Yang, Josef Weidendorfer, Carsten Trinitis, Tilman Kuestner, and Sibylle Ziegler. Enabling Application-Integrated Proactive Fault Tolerance. In Parallel Computing is Everwhere. IOS Press, 2018, pp. 475.

Workshop and Short Papers

  • Amir Raoofy, Dai Yang, Josef Weidendorfer, Carsten Trinitis, and Martin Schulz. Enabling Malleability for Livermore Unstructured Lagrangian Explicit Shock Hydrodynamics using LAIK. In Konferenzband des PARS’19 Workshops. 2019, Berlin, Germany.
  • Thomas Becker, Dai Yang, Tilman Kuestner, and Martin Schulz. Co-Scheduling in a Task-Based Programming Model. In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Co-Scheduling of HPC Applications (COSH 2018). 2018, Manchester, United Kingdom.
  • Josef Weidendorfer, Dai Yang, and Carsten Trinitis. LAIK: A library for fault tolerant distribution of global data for parallel applications. In Konferenzband des PARS’17 Workshops. 2017, Hagen, Germany.


I donate to many charity organizations and support people who needs help.

I am a proud member of German Society of Transidentity and Intersexuality (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transidentität und Intersexualität e.V. ).

Some donation until went to:

If you are studying at TU Munich, make sure you will check out the Deutschlandstipendium Program. It’s a national scholarship program that I donate yearly to to support socially responsible and academically excellent student with some money. You might be matched to meet me in real life if you are selected.

I donate blood regularly, with more than 7 liters until today.

Getting Contacted

Please refer to my Linktree for more information.

I love to send postcards! I operate on Postcrossing - check out for some more information.


Everyone needs allies. If you want to become an ally please contact me.

What is Suraimu?

Suraimu (スライム) is a japanese fantasy magical creature made out of a permeable membrane, and filled with magical matter called magicules. In some of the mythos (such as Tensura) the Suraimu art are unique and seem to be adaptable to all environmental changes, gaining great possiblity to live under any condition.

My character design is a light-class Suraimu which choose to burn the inner matter (magicules) to proivide shine in the darkness of the earth forest.

Who is Arts?

Arts is a joined name of myself and Arts Epiphany, a brilliant girl who decided to end her life in exchange of raining visibility of the conditions of the transgender community.

Arts E and myself shares this name as part of our joint wish.

To remember Arts Epiphany, please visit One Among Us.